Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Yogyakarta The Performing Arts

Wayang Kulit

The most famous of all performance art in Yogyakarta (and for that matter in Java and much of the rest of Indonesia as well) is the ancient art of wayang kulit. The word wayang literally translates to theatre and the wayang kulit performances are theater performances of shadow puppet plays. This beautiful art began as a method of storytelling as far back as the first century and has continued to develop ever since. There are wayang kulit performances nearly every night somewhere in the city of Yogyakarta .
Another popular form of performance art in Yogyakarta is the unique style of music developed there called the Gamelan Yogyakarta. Gamelan music is made up of the sounds of unique instruments such as gongs and xylophones; Gamelan Yogyakarta is a variation of the traditional gamelan sound. Travelers should ask their local hotel representatives where they can hear gamelan yogyakarta during their stay in the area.
Travelers should also consider checking out more traditional forms of performance art. For example, the Ramayana Ballet is an option for travelers. Various other performing arts events take place throughout the year.

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