Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Special Drink and Porridge of Yogyakarta, the Healthy Freshness

When you have been satisfied with various traditional snacks such as lumpia and other steamed snacks, you must long for something refreshing. You do not have to worry since traditional markets provide you with fresh drinks and delicious porridge. You only have to spend less than IDR 3,000 to enjoy each of the menus.

Es Dawet is the right choice when you get to the market on a hot day. Combination of sweet and cold taste will clench your thirst after taking a long walk. This drink is made from cendol as the main material. There are two kinds of cendol; the green one is made from starch and the white one is from rice flour. Both of them will taste smooth and rich on our tongue.

As complement, es cendol is added with cam cao that will give unique sensation to the tongue. Cam cao is natural jelly made from the squeeze of cam cao leaf to make a solid, green jelly. This cam cao differentiates es dawet of Yogyakarta from other dawets from other areas in Indonesia. Generally, es cendol from other parts of Indonesia contains only one cendol.

Two kinds of smooth cendol and the fresh cam cao will combine with the sweet taste of the mixture of thick coconut milk and palm sugar syrup with the aroma of Jackfruit mixed in it. The sweet sensation will not only clench your thirst but it will also cool you down for a while. They use pure palm sugar as the sweetener instead of artificial one.

In addition to cendol, other fresh drinks are of Javanese herbs and ingredients. One of the drinks is beras kencur made from pounded rice and soak for one night and it is added with squeezed galingale. In addition to refreshing, beras kencur is also advantageous for health. The warm effect from the galingale will prevent the throat from experiencing inflammatory and it is believed to make our voice more melodious.

Other choice of traditional drink from Javanese ingredients is kunyit asam, made from grate of turmeric that is squeezed and mixed with tamarind and palm sugar. There is also similar drink composed of tamarind and palm sugar only. All are healthy for our body; turmeric that is rich in antioxidant will refresh the skin and smoothen blood circulation, while tamarind that is rich in vitamin C will increase our stamina.

While es dawet and the Javanese herbs drinks will give freshness on the hot day, various porridge will warm you in the morning or evening time. Usually, the porridge sellers will start selling at around 06:00a.m. to 09:00a.m. or 03:00p.m to 05:00p.m in the afternoon. Generally, porridge is made from rice flour that comes in different variations and it is mixed with thick coconut milk and sometimes is added with liquid palm sugar.

Jenang Mutiara or the Pearl Porridge is one form of the porridge that you can find in Kotagede and Beringharjo markets in the morning. This porridge is made from perl-like grains with white color in the inner part and clean red in the outer part. The porridge comes with thick coconut milk that tastes rich. Combination of sweet taste and the rich flavor of the pearl grains that are often called monte is suitably served warm.

Jenang Gempol is another choice worth trying even though less people sell this kind of porridge now. The main material of this porridge is the 'gempol', the steamed, round lump of rice flour mixed with coconut milk. As complement, mixture of porridge from rice flour and palm sugar with thick coconut milk is added. Usually, this porridge is served in a small cup.

Text: Yunanto Wiji UtomoPhoto & Artistic: Agung Sulistiono Mabruron

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